Word from the Chairman and CEO

A full decade in the mining sector and the observations I made there led me to an unfailing observation: in addition to being an important global reserve, our mines in the DRC represent 60% of GDP. But the social benefits of this excellent figure unfortunately do not allow our population to benefit from all the advantages that our subsoil offers.

An observation that NOVCORP and its partners are able to rectify. A challenge that our Company intends to meet. Total confidence in our employees to be up to the task of this large-scale operation.

With the opening of two new locations in Manono and Lubumbashi, Novcorp intends to have a significant increase of exports. Our active contribution to the evolution of the global production chain will become possible.and will put us in top category exporter of 3T in the DRC.

NOVCORP is aware of the scale of its project, but has confidence in its strong resources: its staff, its managers and its partners. We know that the challenge is demanding and that the work is tedious, but we also know that victory will be achieved by the strength and will of us all.

Today, we can dream of seeing the emergence of a new economic class that is inclusive and will create the wealth of today and tomorrow.

Yves Kabongo

Chairman and CEO NOVCORP