Global Tin Demand and Price Forecast

Global demand
  • 2020: 6.6 billion USD
  • 2027: 8.2 billion USD
Global prices and forecasts
  • 2020: $13,000 per TM
  • 2027: $46,000 per TM
Supply imbalance
  • 2019: Balance
  • 2022: Significant imbalance due to increased regulation and the lack of commissioning of new mines.

Uses of tin and tin alloys

  • Solders for printed circuits
  • Tin alloys such as tin and bronze used in electrical circuits, construction materials, etc.
  • Tin coating materials to prevent rust in cans
  • Tin finishing materials such as glass
  • Automotive industry


  • Coltan ore contains the technological minerals tantalum and niobium
  • The DRC is the world leader in tantalum production
  • Tantalum has allowed electronics companies to miniaturize electronic devices using small capacitors. These capacitors are used in phones, computers, hearing aids, automotive electronics, etc.
  • Tantalum can also be used for high temperature alloys such as jet engines and turbines
  • Demand for tantalum is expected to increase from 2,400 tonnes (2022) to 4,500 tonnes (2030)